Work 1
- Title: {titre1:27}
- Technique: {Techniques:30}
- Size of the engraving (hxl): {hauteur1:35} x {largeur1:36} cm
- Year of creation: {creation1:53}
- A.P (Artist Proof): {epreuve1:42}
- Edition n°: {tirage1:37} / {tiragesur1:39}
- Printer: {imprimeur1:43}
- Prize (incl. VAT): {prix1:44}
Work 2
- Title: {titre2:47}
- Technique: {techniques2:57}
- Size of the engraving (hxl): {hauteur2:58} x {largeur2:59} cm
- Year of creation: {creation2:60}
- A.P (Artist Proof): {epreuve2:61}
- Edition n°: {tirage2:62} / {tiragesur2:63}
- Printer: {imprimeur2:64}
- Prize (incl. VAT): {prix2:65}
Work 3
- Title: {titre3:68}
- Technique: {techniques3:69}
- Size of the engraving (hxl): {hauteur3:70} x {largeur3:71} cm
- Year of creation: {creation3:72}
- A.P (Artist Proof): {epreuve3:73}
- Edition n°: {tirage3:74} / {tiragesur3:75}
- Printer: {imprimeur3:76}
- Prize (incl. VAT): {prix3:77}
Work 4
- Title: {titre4:83}
- Technique: {techniques4:84}
- Size of the engraving (hxl): {hauteur4:85} x {largeur4:86} cm
- Year of creation: {creation4:87}
- A.P (Artist Proof): {epreuve4:88}
- Edition n°: {tirage4:89} / {tiragesur4:90}
- Printer: {imprimeur4:91}
- Prize (incl. VAT): {prix4:92}
Work 5 (donation)
- Title: {titre5:94}
- Technique: {techniques5:95}
- Size of the engraving (hxl): {hauteur5:96} x {largeur5:97} cm
- Year of creation: {creation5:98}
- A.P (Artist Proof): {epreuve5:99}
- Edition n°: {tirage5:100} / {tiragesur5:101}
- Printer: {imprimeur5:102}
- Prize (incl. VAT): {prix5:103}